Even in the distance, you`re never far [Chorus] Anywhere I will find you. Like my pulse is beating inside you. Take my sign, I could go blind. Cause I know you, cause I know you. I know you by heart. I know you by heart. I know you by heart
i know you by heart
Bette Midler I Know You By Heart şarkı sözü Bette everybody wants to find a love Somebody somebody who will always care But we get locked.
Bit by bit Mary has lost her ability to do any of the most basic aspects of self-care. Her world has narrowed within the confines of the four walls of her room. Restricted to bed she relies on her husband...
Listening to music on the train home one of my favourite songs comes on by Eva Cassidy called `I know you by heart` in which the lyrics tell of a true love, picturing someone dear from memory and feeling as if they`re there& ...
Even in the distance, you`re never far [Chorus] Anywhere I will find you. Like my pulse is beating inside you. Take my sign, I could go blind. Cause I know you, cause I know you. I know you by heart. I know you by heart. I know you by heart
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